This parcel is zoned CG (Commercial General) which is perfect for a variety of commercial uses including Medical, Retail, Office, Self Storage, Multi-Family, etc. City Water and Sewer Access. Desirable Uncleared Land on the east side of Six Mile Cypress and adjacent to newly developed Offices, Residential, Multifamily, and Retail Properties. The property is in the City of Fort Myer's jurisdiction. Base density in the CG zoning district with a FLU classification of Traditional Community is 25 dwelling units per acre. You’re able to get a maximum of 35 dwelling units per acre as bonus density through the Conditional Use process. Develop around 58 dwelling units on the uplands with base density on the uplands portion. Maximum height is 5 stories or 70 feet.
Convenient access to Colonial Boulevard and Daniels Parkway, which makes for easy access to I-75. The location on Ben C Pratt Six Mile Cypress Parkway puts the new owner near a variety of local amenities and attractions like the Minnesota Twins Stadium.
Fort Myers is primed to see continued growth in all areas of the local economy, benefiting new owners and businesses.
1.47 Acres is Wetlands which may be used for other purposes such as water supply and the ecosystem.
Commercial General (CG) It is the express intent of the CG District to provide areas for commercial activities that meet the retail shopping and service needs of the community.
Permitted uses: Click on link to see following or check with the City of Fort Myers: