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1111 Bradley
Savannah, GA 31419

1111 Bradley Boulevard · Land For Sale · 5.01 AC


Property Type Land
Property Subtype Commercial
Total Lot Size 5.01 AC


The subject of this offering consists of an approximate 5.012 acre site located just east of the intersection of Bradley Boulevard and U.S. Highway 17, Unincorporated, Chatham County, Georgia 31419. According to the Chatham County Board Of Assessor’s, the property is identified as Property Identification Number 1-1030-01-008. With reference to a plat of survey, prepared by Kern & Coleman Company, LLC, dated July 21, 2010 and recorded in the records of Chatham County as Subdivision Map Book 42-S; Folio 37, it appears the northern boundary of this parcel fronts approximately 513.86 lineal feet along the southside of the eastbound lane of Bradley Boulevard, with an eastern boundary approximating 354.14 lineal feet along the western boundary of Lot 2, a southern boundary approximating 625.14 lineal feet along the northern boundary of lands vested within the ownership of Bradley Boulevard, LLC and a western boundary approximating 461.16 lineal feet along the eastside of Lot 1-A. It should be noted that vehicular access is available via a “shared” curb-cut with the property to the west (Lot 1-A) approximating the northwest corner of the subject site as it aligns the southside of the eastbound lane of Bradley Boulevard. Accessibility is further enhanced by the presence of a median cut directly north of the aforementioned curb cut allowing for unrestricted vehicular access from westbound traffic along Bradley Boulevard. Of the +-5.012 acres, it is estimated that approximately 3.3 acres would be judged as highlands or uplands and the balance or an estimated 1.7 acres classified as jurisdictional. With reference to the aforementioned plat of survey, it appears as though approximately one third of the property north of the southern boundary and traversing western to east is located with Flood Zone AE, with the majority balance being located within a X Zone designated as being within the 500-Year Flood. With reference to a third-party source, it appears the property generally grades from north to south and within the approximate northern two-thirds of the property elevations approximate 13 to 16 feet above MSL decreasing to approximately 6 feet or less within the southern one-third. A 12-inch PVC water main exists along the southside of the eastbound lane of Bradley Boulevard and a 10-inch PVC sewer main exists along the northside of the westbound lane of Bradley Boulevard. Although currently zoned Residential Agriculture (R-A), based on a discussion with a senior administrator within the Development Services Division of The Chatham County - Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission, it is highly likely that should a person or entity petition for a change in zoning from the existing Residential - Agriculture to Community Business, (B-C) MPC staff would recommend re-zoning approval as it did during June 2018 for the adjacent property to the west (Lot 1-A).

  • Listing ID: 27211668

  • Date on Market: 11/30/2022

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 1111 Bradley, Savannah, GA 31419