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1410-1412 N Broadway
Santa Ana, CA 92706

Small Lot Infill Site · Land For Sale · 0.25 AC


Property Type Land
Property Subtype Commercial
Proposed Use
  • Apartment Units
  • Apartment Units - Condo
  • Medical
Total Lot Size 0.25 AC


The subject property is a small lot infill site of ±10,949 square feet located at 1412 North Broadway in the city of Santa Ana. The site is flat and rectangular in shape with 61’ of frontage on the busy Broadway arterial with a depth of 183.5’. The property is composed of two separate parcels with APN #398-522-18 and 19. This is a true small lot infill site and all utilities are to the site. This property is located in the Broadway Corridor District of the Midtown Specific Plan (SP3). The goal of the Midtown Specific Plan is to maintain the scale and character given to much of Broadway through the large number of historic and architecturally significant structures on the street including a mixture of office, institutional and residential uses, landscaped front yards and mature trees. Broadway is a major north-south arterial with a scale and character reflective of its past as a residential boulevard. The Broadway District has a strong historic character with a number of buildings dating from the turn of the century. Within the Midtown Specific Plan, the subject property is characterized as Small Lot Infill. All existing vacant lots along with those parcels with deteriorating structures that are not architecturally significant provide sites for small-scale office development consistent with the architectural styles and scale of surrounding structures. The maximum height for all buildings is 35’ or three stories, whichever is less. The General Plan designates a 0.5 to 2.0 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for the Broadway Corridor while most small lot development typical for the corridor would not exceed 0.5 FAR. A 20’ setback is required throughout the Broadway Corridor District. The generous front yard is one of the most important characteristics of Broadway and maintenance of these landscaped open spaces is crucial to preserving the streetscape. Permitted uses for this site would include professional, business and administrative offices including government, nonprofit and similar office use. Medical and dental clinics are permitted, except psychology and counseling. Day care facilities are permitted. Uses that would be permitted with a conditional use permit include places of worship, congregate care facilities, nursing homes, counseling and psychology offices, live-work studios with galleries and cafes/restaurants not to exceed 2,500 square feet.


Zoning Code SP3
  • Listing ID: 11850647

  • Date on Market: 3/9/2018

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 1410-1412 N Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92706