275 SW Peters St
Atlanta, GA 30313
Retail Property For Sale

- Nearly 100 Feet of Frontage on Main Thoroughfare
- Traffic Received from Northside Drive (30,000 VPD)
- Over 68% Median Income Growth Since 2000 and Anticipated Median Income Growth Over 13% by 2023
- Quarter Mile to Anticipated Mixed Use Developments
- Median Age of 24 Years
- Bus Line
±4,751 SF urban street retail property located on 0.2 acre in Atlanta’s Castle berry Hill Sub-market. The Property is located within walking distance from MARTA transit stations and major job centers within Atlanta’s downtown core. This property and the sub-market are poised to serve millennial, urban driven demographic seeking proximity and walkability to job centers,major event venues, retail amenities and green-space. Formerly an industrial district,the Castle berry HillS ubmarket has transformed into an urban, walkable center with a half-mile radius to major market drivers. It lies directly south of Mercedes Benz Stadium and State Farm Arena and is within walking distance of Five Points and Garnett MARTA Stations,both points of trans it to down to midtown job centers and entertainment/tourist venues. To the north east,aseriesofgamechangingprojectsareplannedandwillcreatevalueforthesubjectproperty.Thesearetheanticipated $2 billion Gulch mixed-use development,Newport USRE's redevelopment of 2 million SF of downtown properties,there development of Underground Atlanta,the Castleberry Reverb Hotel&Mixed Use by Hard Rock, the Home Depot Backyard Park and the future development of a 1,000 room hotel at the Georgia World Congress Center. Additionally,thispropertyiswithinahalfmilefromdowntownprivateandpublicjobcenterssuchasCNN, the Atlanta University Center, Georgia State University and the offices of the Federal, State, County and Municipal governments.
Parcel Number | 14-0084-0011-097-3 | Improvements Assessment | $124,200 |
Land Assessment | $97,760 | Total Assessment | $221,960 |
Listing ID: 15742947
Date on Market: 4/15/2019
Last Updated:
Address: 275 SW Peters St, Atlanta, GA 30313
The Castleberry Hill Retail Property at 275 SW Peters St, Atlanta, GA 30313 is no longer being advertised on LoopNet.com. Contact the broker for information on availability.
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