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4300 Burch Dr
Del Valle, TX 78617

Opportunity Zone - Redevelopment Office/Ind. · Land For Sale · 3.60 AC

Investment Highlights

  • Opportunity Zone
  • Preliminary engineering studies performed
  • Proven business park adjacent to site
  • Level site

Executive Summary

Opportunity Zone redevelopment 5.819 acres. Owner user office/warehouse site. Mirror the successful 4200 Burch Industrial Park next door or increase the density of the existing mini-storage facility. Current vehicle storage yard w/secure entry. Location proximity to US 71, COTA (4.2 miles), ABIA (4 miles), downtown (11 miles) and Zoho (1 mile) campus. No Zoning, Austin 2- Mile ETJ, impervious cover up to 65%. Garfield Water, Bluebonnet Electric.


Sale Type Investment
Sale Conditions
1031 Exchange
  • Redevelopment Project
No. Lots 1
Property Type Land
Property Subtype Commercial
Proposed Use
  • Contractor Storage Yard
  • Hold For Development
  • Industrial Park
  • Self Storage
Total Lot Size 3.60 AC
Opportunity Zone Yes

1 Lot Available

Lot 8

Price $3,700,000
Price Per AC $635,739
Lot Size 5.82 AC

Opportunity Zone development totaling 5.819 acres and with 3.72 acres allowed imperious over. Owner-user office/warehouse site. Level, access to US 71 and 7 miles from ABIA. Compacted base already in place on the site. Property available for Lease.


Opportunity Zone redevelopment 5.819 acres and with a proposed impervious cover of 2.99 acres out of a total of 3.72 impervious allowed. Owner user office/warehouse site. Mirror the successful 4200 Burch Industrial Park next door or increase the density of the existing mini-storage facility. Current vehicle storage yard w/secure entry. Location proximity to US 71, COTA (4.2 miles), ABIA (4 miles), downtown (11 miles) and Zoho (1 mile) campus. No Zoning, Austin 2- Mile ETJ, impervious cover up to 65%. Garfield Water, Bluebonnet Electric. Preliminary engineering documents are available upon request. Dry Creek East Suburban Watershed. The proposed site lies in the 2-Mile ETJ of the City of Austin and is not subject to transportation and landscaping requirements regarding parking, driveways, and internal circulation.



Parcel Number
Land Assessment
Improvements Assessment
Total Assessment
  • Listing ID: 18036420

  • Date on Market: 12/24/2019

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 4300 Burch Dr, Del Valle, TX 78617

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