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4939 W Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80204

Ground - Corner Lot Sloan's Lake Submarket · Retail Property For Lease


  • High visibility corner lot w 3 curb cuts
  • lots of potential
  • Extensive outdoor lighting


Property Type Retail
Property Subtype Auto Dealership
Gross Leasable Area 1,900 SF
Year Built 1990
Parking Ratio 26.32/1,000 SF

About the Property

Available September 2027 - view plane restriction ends in June 2027 Existing Tenant Just extended Lease - Next Availability September 2027. Perfect time period for build out or use change. This property is (like a living billboard) - a high traffic location has one of the city's highest counts. 15,990 sq ft lot with High visibility in trendy Sloan's Lake Park neighborhood - Otherwise available subject to current lease commitment through end of August 2027. Perfect for due diligence period for Restaurant or coffee Drive Thru or Franchise or work through a use change, maybe a buildout, etc. for occupancy in HOT Sloans Lake Market Be prepared with a Letter of Intent upon inquiry. Partial view plane restriction through 2027 Current Use Car Lot - rare zoning use for motorized vehicles #automobiles #EVs and #powersports Use this high traffic location for advertising to attract your online image or sales - generate High visibility from high traffic location in Denver's Sloan's Lake a top spot. Potential for other uses might include Brewery (compare Denver Beer on south Downing), Winery Distillery - with large outdoor patios and recreational space. Potential for Drive thru food or coffee business, wood fired pizza etc. Perfect for general contractor, floral or landscape business, design build a commercial residential combo etc. Current - office retail storage or garage space

  • 24 Hour Access
  • Corner Lot
  • Fenced Lot
  • Pylon Sign
  • Signage
  • Tenant Controlled HVAC
  • Drive Thru
  • Storage Space
  • Air Conditioning
  • Listing ID: 25936379

  • Date on Market: 6/20/2022

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 4939 W Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80204

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