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806 W Sr-434
Longwood, FL 32750

Retail Property For Lease


  • Traffic Count 41916 Daily
  • Located in A Rapidly Redeveloping Area
  • On A Busy Bus Line


Property Type Retail
Property Subtype Auto Repair
Gross Leasable Area 1,710 SF
Year Built/Renovated 1966/1980
Parking Ratio 8.77/1,000 SF

About the Property

CAR REPAIR &SALES FRONTING SR 434 Building 806 is a 1710 sqft block masonry building with a 2019 shingle roof. This building has been used for 25 years for car sales. There is a separate electric meter and phase three for the building. The vacant lot runs behind the two buildings. There is a clean Phase One report available. Building 806 is available for Lease with an option for 1270 sq ft or 1670 sq ft. There are three curb cuts and road signage! Fronting SR 434, these buildings are across the street, slightly west, of the Orlando Health Hospital. The parcel to the west of this property is new development. I4 is 2 miles away. This is an area of amazing growth and opportunity. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR SALE!! AVAILABLE NOW!

  • Bus Line
  • Pylon Sign
  • Signage
  • Listing ID: 33534747

  • Date on Market: 10/16/2024

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 806 W Sr-434, Longwood, FL 32750

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