This Property is no longer advertised on
809 S Gaffey St
San Pedro, CA 90731
Property For Lease

- 41,000+ Average Daily Traffic Count (2020)
- Extremely High Visibility & Centralized Location
- Major Commercial Corridor
The Most Prime Location for your Business in the absolute Center of San Pedro (9th & Gaffey St). Ideal Professional Office Space with Retail Potential. Extremely centralized location in major commercial corridor, with strong visibility and direct access. Capture 41,000+ average daily traffic counts and organic foot traffic of Central San Pedro (Gaffey St).
Building Type
Year Built
Building Height
1 Story
Building Size
2,226 SF
Building Class
Typical Floor Size
2,226 SF
Listing ID: 27386141
Date on Market: 12/27/2022
Last Updated:
Address: 809 S Gaffey St, San Pedro, CA 90731
The Central San Pedro Office Property at 809 S Gaffey St, San Pedro, CA 90731 is no longer being advertised on Contact the broker for information on availability.
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