Site Address: CONGRESS RD - BELPRE, OH 45714
County / State: Washington County, OH
Parcel Number: 0600-16556-000
Parcel Size: 15.32 Acres
Parcel Area: 667,339 Sq. Ft.
Zoning: To be verified by buyer
# of Dwellings Allowed to be Built: To be verified by buyer
Flood Zone: No
Electric: To be verified by buyer
Water: To be verified by buyer
Sewer: To be verified by buyer
Survey/Plat Map: To be verified by buyer
Percolation Test: To be verified by buyer
Property Access: Deeded Right-of-Way
Legal Description: R9 T1 S26 160 AC LOT 250 NW PT 15.321 AC SURV CERT 8-10-00
Subdivision: n/a
Center GPS Coordinates: 39.28866640953068, -81.57123218824496
RV Parking / Living Allowed: To be verified by buyer
Mobile Homes Allowed: To be verified by buyer
Farming Allowed: To be verified by buyer
Livestock Allowed To be verified by buyer
Annual Taxes: $305.54 (2021)
HOA Fees / Name of HOA: n/a
Elevation: 771.0 ft.
Elementary School: Belpre Elementary School: 740-423-3010
Middle School: Belpre High School: 740-423-3000
High School: Belpre High School: 740-423-3000
Buyers Agent Commission Offered: 3%
Title Provided: Warranty Deed w/ Title Insurance
Coming in from the north, head south on OH-7 S toward Joe Skinner Rd (1.7 mi). Turn right onto Lockhart St (223 ft) and turn left onto T1357 (0.2 mi). Then, turn right (154 ft) to your destination.
Coming in from the west, head east on OH-7 N/State Rte 32E/Ohio River Scenic Byway toward Clement Ave (1.1 mi). Turn left onto Lockhart St (266 ft) and turn left onto T1357 (0.2 mi). Then, turn right (154 ft) to your destination.