±80 acres of vacant land for sale on Desert View Rd in Apple Valley; APN: 0435-072-05. This large parcel of flat terrain is located immediately south of Highway 18. Zoned Rural Living, (RL-5), this property will allow for agricultural, residential, and service uses with permitting including industrial hemp cultivation. The site abuts an additional 75 acres of available land under the same zoning designation for nearly 160 contiguous acres. This site is located between the growing communities of Apple Valley and Lucerne Valley. Apple Valley is home to Brightline West’s future High Speed Rail Station and maintenance yard, with a second station in Rancho Cucamonga. Set to break ground in 2023, this rail line will assist transport Los Angelians from Union Station to the Las Vegas Strip in 3.5 hours and bring more than 10,000 jobs to the area.