John King Blvd & FM 552

1 - 17.37 Acre Agricultural Land Lots Offered at $1,200,000 - $9,800,000 Per Lot in Rockwall, TX 75087


  • Future 6 lane signalized intersection
  • Can be subdivided into smaller pad sites.
  • Utilities available to the site.
  • NEC of John King Blvd and FM 552. 19.494 acres.
  • Zoning PD-74 which allows for a variety of retail and commercial uses.


Location: NEC of John King Blvd and FM 552
Size: 17.37 Acres
Zoning: Commercial – see PD attached as separate file
Utilities available to the site
Water: 16” line running along John King Blvd and FM 552
Sewer: 8” connection on John King Blvd that was put in with Phase 10 Storm: Detention is likely required. Will connect to storm system on John King Blvd
Flood Plain: no floodplain on the property
Topography: slopes towards intersection of John King and FM 552
Soils: Per the soils report completed by EWI for BH Phase X (bordering property to the north) the PVR is in the order of 3 ½ inches. Report on adjacent parcel attached as separate file.
Tree Mitigation: Requirement has been met with SF landscaping in PD.
Water Impact Fee: Estimated by the City of Rockwall to be $39,000
Sewer Impact Fee: Estimated by the City of Rockwall to be $31,000
TXDOT: See attached Exhibit “G” showing preliminary schematics of improvements proposed for FM 552 and the intersection of FM 552 and John King Boulevard.
Concept Plan: See attached conceptual site plan prepared by GSO Architects for the site.


Price $1,200,000 - $11,000,000
Sale Type Investment
Sale Conditions
Build to Suit
  • Lease Option
No. Lots 2
Property Type Land
Property Subtype Agricultural
Total Lot Size 18.37 AC


Lot Tract 7-05

Price $9,800,000
Price Per AC $564,191.13
Lot Size 17.37 AC

17.37 acres for sale. Can be subdivided into smaller pad sites. Zoning PD-74 which allows for a variety of retail and commercial uses. Utilities available to the site. Adjacent to Breezy Hill master planned community with 730 lots.

Lot 1

Price $1,200,000
Price Per AC $1,200,000.00
Lot Size 1.00 AC

Divisible down to 1 acre in size


NEC of John King Blvd and FM 552. 17.37 acres. Utilities: Water: 16” line running along John King Blvd and FM 552. Sewer: 8” connection on John King Blvd that was put in with Phase 10 Storm: Detention is likely required. Will connect to storm system on John King Blvd Flood Plain: no floodplain on the property Topography: slopes towards intersection of John King and FM 552 Soils: Per the soils report completed by EWI for BH Phase X (bordering property to the north) the PVR is in the order of 3 ½ inches. Report on adjacent parcel attached as separate file. Tree Mitigation: Requirement has been met with SF landscaping in PD Tree Mitigation: Requirement has been met with SF landscaping in PD. See Exhibit “F”. Water Impact Fee: Estimated by the City of Rockwall to be $39,000 Sewer Impact Fee: Estimated by the City of Rockwall to be $31,000 TXDOT: See attached Exhibit “G” showing preliminary schematics of improvements proposed for FM 552 and the intersection of FM 552 and John King Boulevard. Concept Plan: See attached as Exhibit “H” – conceptual site plan prepared by GSO Architects for the site. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in conjunction with Rockwall County proposes improvements to Farm-to-Market (FM) 552 from State Highway (SH) 205 [(N. Goliad Street (St.)] to SH 66, a total length of approximately 5.19 miles (mi) partially within the cities of Rockwall and Fate in Rockwall County, Texas. The proposed project would consist of widening FM 552 from a two-lane rural section to a four-lane urban section, as well as the addition of sidewalks and 14-foot (ft) wide lanes for shared use of bicycles and vehicles.The existing FM 552 facility between SH 205 and SH 66 mostly consists of two undivided 11-foot (ft) wide lanes and 3-ft wide shoulders within an existing right-of-way (ROW). The proposed facility would consist of an urban median separated roadway with four travel lanes (two in each direction). The two inside travel lanes would be 12-ft wide and the outside travel lanes would be 14-ft wide to accommodate shared-use of bicycles and vehicles. The proposed facility would include a raised median from SH 205 to John King Boulevard and from Dismore Lane to SH 66; and a 20-ft flush median between John King Boulevard and Dismore Lane. The project includes 6- or 10-ft wide sidewalks along the road within an approximate variable ROW of 130- to 197 ft.The proposed design speed is 45 mph. The proposed improvements would require 40.26 acres of additional ROW. The construction limits begin at SH 205 and end at SH 66. Rockwall County’s population increased by approximately 81.8 percent from 43,080 persons in 2000 to 78,337 persons in 2010. According to the NCTCOG, Rockwall County’s population is projected to increase by approximately 112.4 percent from a Census-documented population of 78,337 in 2010 to a forecasted population of 166,357 by 2040. The NCTCOG also projects strong employment growth for Rockwall County in the year 2040. According to NCTCOG, employment in Rockwall County is projected to increase by approximately 34 percent from 39,879 estimated jobs in 2017 to 53,372 jobs in 2040. Rockwall County’s population increased by approximately 81.8 percent from 43,080 persons in 2000 to 78,337 persons in 2010. According to the NCTCOG, Rockwall County’s population is projected to increase by approximately 112.4 percent from a Census-documented population of 78,337 in 2010 to a forecasted population of 166,357 by 2040. The NCTCOG also projects strong employment growth for Rockwall County in the year 2040. According to NCTCOG, employment in Rockwall County is projected to increase by approximately 34 percent from 39,879 estimated jobs in 2017 to 53,372 jobs in 2040.


Zoning Code PD - 74 (Planned Development zoning allows a wide variety of retail uses, office, medical, restaurants, gas station, etc.)
  • Listing ID: 14672758

  • Date on Market: 12/19/2018

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: John King Blvd & FM 552, Rockwall, TX 75087