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Kent Science Park
Sittingbourne ME9 8EF

Kent Science Park · Office Property For Lease · 16,358 SF


  • Greenhouses
  • Exhibition space
  • Easy-in, easy-out office & lab rental

Property Overview

Located strategically with convenient national connections, Kent Science Park is an ideal location for budding horticultural and plant-based food and beverage companies. Sprawled across 65 acres of meticulously maintained grounds in the heart of Kent, this biotech incubator comprises 47 buildings featuring cutting-edge laboratories, high quality office spaces, and collaborative coworking areas. Its excellence was recognized through the prestigious UKSPA Best Life Science Research Facility award for South East England. In addition to its outstanding facilities, the business community at Kent Science Park enjoys a wide range of amenities, fostering a supportive environment that promotes the well-being and productivity of hardworking teams.

  • 24 Hour Access
  • Bio-Tech/ Lab Space


Building Type
Year Built
Building Height
2 Stories
Building Size
16,458 SF
Building Class
Typical Floor Size
8,229 SF
  • Listing ID: 31180158

  • Date on Market: 3/11/2024

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: Kent Science Park, Sittingbourne ME9 8EF

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