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Cairo Duplexes

2 Multifamily Properties Offered at $675,000 in Cairo, GA


  • 4 doors within walking distance of downtown Cairo


They don't build them like this anymore! What a great chance to invest in two duplexes (4 doors total - 100% occupancy) located just a couple of blocks south of charming downtown / small-town Cairo GA - home of the famous SyrupMakers! Truly a one of a kind property in that both duplexes are on same parcel and have been recently updated, but are very different in appearance and age. Two-story brick structure closest to the corner totals ±3360 sq ft for huge 3BR/2BA units on each side! The garden style single story duplex has unheard of 1378 sq ft 2BR/2BA units with private back porch areas. Both have welcoming & attractive curb appeals, plenty of parking & yard space on this ±0.5 acre lot. All units are individually metered for power, billed directly from municipality to tenant. LL provides lawn care, regulated security lighting, and water / sewer to one of the duplexes. Recent updating for these 4 units was well executed to highlight the character that used to be built into historic properties like the older brick duplex, but also to incorporate modern fixtures and design to attract and retain highest quality residents at premium rents. Shopping, dining, entertainment, schools, and places of worship etc all within a few blocks. A truly unique property to start up and / or add to your investment portfolio! Rent roll and financials available to qualified prospects!


Price $675,000
Price / SF $142.47 / SF
Sale Conditions Bulk/Portfolio Sale
Cap Rate 5.88%
Sale Type Investment
Status Active
Number of Properties 2
Individually For Sale 0
Total Building Size 4,738 SF
Total Land Area 1.04 AC


19 4th Ave SE, Cairo, GA 39828 Multifamily 3,360 SF 1978 -
19 4th Ave SE, Cairo, GA 39828 Multifamily 1,378 SF 1978 -
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  • Listing ID: 29832943

  • Date on Market: 10/19/2023

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: Cairo Duplexes, Cairo, GA

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