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Sands Mobile Home Park 3302 E Van Buren St

66 Unit Mobile Home Park $6,400,000 ($96,970/Unit) 5% Cap Rate Phoenix, AZ 85008


  • Rents are well-below market averaging $499/month with Phoenix market average rents of $732 which grew 9.4% from 2023 and 6.5% on average since 2017.
  • No collection issues and minimal management oversight required (out of state owner).
  • The 66 unit all-tenant owned property is 100% leased with a strong on-site manager.
  • Excellent location just 4 miles east of downtown Phoenix and I-10, with a population of over 1.65M residents and 2 miles north of Phoenix Intl Airport


Colliers Manufactured Housing & RV Group, as exclusive agent for the Owner, is pleased to offer the opportunity to acquire the 66-unit Sands Mobile Home Park, a well-located affordable housing opportunity located 4 miles from major metro, downtown Phoenix.
The property is licensed for 72 sites with current units inclusive of a mix of 64 single and double wide units, 1 apartment and 1 multi-use commercial building.
Please reach out to with any questions.

DATA ROOM Click Here to Access


Price $6,400,000
Price Per Unit $96,970
Sale Type Investment
Cap Rate 5%
No. Units 66
Property Type Multifamily
Property Subtype
Manufactured Housing/Mobile Home
  • Multifamily Apartments
  • Office Office Residential
  • Multifamily Dormitory
Building Class C
Lot Size 4.50 AC
Building Size 1,000 SF
Average Occupancy 100%
No. Stories 2
Year Built 1955


  • 24 Hour Access
  • Listing ID: 34032691

  • Date on Market: 11/29/2024

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 3302 E Van Buren St, Phoenix, AZ 85008

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