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230-300 Oriskany Blvd
Yorkville, NY 13495

ROCKS PLAZA, · Property For Sale · 18,642 SF Total


Price / SF $134.11 / SF
Sale Conditions Bulk/Portfolio Sale
Sale Type Investment or Owner User
Status Active
Number of Properties 3
Individually For Sale 0
Total Building Size 18,642 SF
Total Land Area 1.33 AC


Property Name / Address Property Type Size Year Built Individual Price
Rock's Plaza
230-300 Oriskany Blvd, Yorkville, NY 13495
Retail 13,722 SF 1950 -
10 Oatley Ave, Yorkville, NY 13495 Specialty 1,320 SF 1925 -
Medicine Shoppe
200 Oriskany Blvd, Yorkville, NY 13495
Retail 3,600 SF 1950 -
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  • Listing ID: 24672043

  • Date on Market: 12/15/2021

  • Last Updated:

  • Address:

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