The hotel site is located on the Mitchell Road Corridor which is located in the City of Ceres adjacent to and south of the City of Modesto in Stanislaus County. Ceres enjoys good regional access, being located approximately 75 miles south of Sacramento on State Highway 99, and 100 miles east of San Francisco via the 5, 205, and 580 Freeways In addition, Mitchell Road provides direct access to the Modesto. City-County Airport located north of the Tuolumne River. The site is zoned Regional Commercial and is permitted for a HOTEL by the City of Ceres MITCHELL ROAD CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN. Highway 99 has an average daily traffic count of 118,000 as noted in the CalTrans website for 2017. With Mitchell Road receiving 28,590 ADT (2018). Daytime Population in 10 Mile Radius 165,526 - Estimate Population in 10 Mile Radius 414,250 The site is located in the Federal Opportunity Zone State Route 99/Service Road/Mitchell Road Interchange Project Caltrans, in coordination with the City of Ceres, proposes to improve the SR 99/Service Road/Mitchell Road Interchange in the southern portion of the city of Ceres in Stanislaus County, CA. The interchange improvements would be designed to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate the projected increase in traffic volumes along Service and Mitchell Roads that are anticipated to result from projected growth and development in that portion of the city. This site is located near to the new Walmart Supercenter; the anchor and first building of the 304,000-square-foot Mitchell Ranch Shopping Center.