Auto Repair & Parts Shop with Retail
Cash Flow: | $319,000 |
EBITDA: | $219,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $2,700,000 |
With over 40 years of history creating an entrenched brand name in the community, the Company operates as an multi-bay auto parts and repair shop (50% of 2023 sales) as well as a retail hardware, sporting goods, and agricultural products and supplies store (50%), Management estimates approximately 80% of sales are generated by repeat business. The Company caters to local residential homeowners (60%) and farmers (30%), as well as outdoor enthusiast tourists (10%).
• Superior Name and Reputation: The Company enjoys a long-standing (40+ year) reputation for quality products and superior customer support.
• Cash Business / Quick Collections: The Company collects cash or similar payment at the time of the sale or shortly after.
• Management Will Remain through Transition: Management is willing to remain through the transition period, in order to preserve operational cohesiveness.
• Strong Client Relationships: The Company is proud of its strong ties to clients and its reputation for quality work and client service. Evidence of these relationships is shown in the 80% rate of repeat business.