High Volume Gas Station with Rental property and Laundromat
Asking Price: | $3,200,000 |
Kingsland GA
High Volume Gas Station with Rental property and Laundromat on Busy corner street in Kingsland Georgia. Asking price is (3.2M + Inventory) for property, business goodwill and fixtures.
Buyer has the option to get the complete property on Goodwill of 500K+ Inventory
The property is conveniently located in a residential area and with close proximity of commercial business. It was renovated in 2021 and brings income for the Buyer from day one.
2500 Sq. feet of empty space can be a great spot for rental or a new Business opportunity to open a nail Spa or Vape shop.
COAM contract is OPEN. Opportunity for Buyer to negotiate a NEW contract with Jobber for Gas.
Seller is 100% Absentee! The store has limited inventory and misses typical Inventory items found in C-store. Store has plenty of empty space to put quick pick-and-go items like Pizza and burgers which has huge demand in the area.
Huge Opportunity for an Owner-Operator to increase the sales. With the right resources new Buyer can easily increase profits by 20-30%
For complete details and Questions, Please reach out at igakingsland@gmail.com