Online Life Coach Training Company for Sale!- Help other people!

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Asking Price:$1,000,000
Established Year:1984
Gross Revenue:$170,000

We train Life Coaches to learn the skills and receive all the tools needed to become a competent and successful coach. The company has been successfully operating for the last 40 years. Our programs consistently get 5 * reviews on Google due to the high quality of education we provide.
You'll work with amazing students from all over the world who wish to help other people. Enjoy extremely rewarding work and make a larger contribution to others.
The company offers Life Coach Certification Programs as well additional
Certification Classes in Executive and Leadership, Relationship, Health and Wellness, Spiritual Coaching,. and programs for students to obtain an ICF credential. We just added our Executive and Leadership Certification and added special packages so Life Purpose Institute is set up for increased growth. Once you buy the business, you will receive thorough training and consultations for a year to ensure your ongoing success.

Life Coach Certification Program packet 2023.docx.docx Download

Not Included in asking price
Online business with teachers from all over the United States
There is competition but we offer a unique 5 star program so we stand out in the market place. We get a large number of referrals from past students.
Growth & Expansion
There is tremendous growth and expansion possible. As of September 1 we added packages for obtaining Advanced Credentials, Advanced Certifications, and will November 1 be adding Executive and Leadership Coaching November 1.
Financial information given and financing discussed with serious buyers
Support & Training
You will receive thorough training which includes reviewing all facets of business and owner's responsibilities. Business is a turnkey operation so training is around how our current systems work. The current owner is available for consultation for a year after the purchase of the business to consult with you on various business matters.
Reason for Selling
This business is Home-Based
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Fern Gorin
Fern Gorin