Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Covington County, AL. Showing instead
Homewood Bagel Company
Homewood, AL
Two location bagel shop and bakery. The original location is located in the heart of downtown Homewood and has been established and profitable for 5 years and...
Established Bakery/Cafe Franchise
Huntsville, AL
Great Harvest Bread Company is a freedom franchise, with excellent corporate support and plenty of freedom for store owners. We specialize in from-scratch, fresh...
Iconic, Famous, and Beloved Sports Bar is Available for Purchase
Auburn, AL
Popular and Iconic, this sports bar is a beloved feature of the Auburn nightlife. It's been around for decades, standing out for its game day charm and traditions....
Profitable Bakery: Thriving Retail and Wholesale Business
Jefferson County, AL
This established bakery offers a unique opportunity to acquire a well-rounded business with both retail and wholesale operations. Located in a high-traffic area,...
Reduced! Italian Gelato Ice Cream in Gulf Shores Alabama-$165,000.00
Gulf Shores, AL
The magnificent beaches of Gulf Shores Alabama are the perfect location for this...
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