Commercial Vehicle Service & Repair
30+ year old fleet service company with multi-layer management and systems in place. The business offers a full suite of repair and maintenance services....
FedEx Linehaul - Four Assigned Solo Runs For Sale - Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features four assigned solo runs. There are five employees & management in place. It includes four trucks at a...
Parcels/Packaging Store in Central Alabama
Jefferson County, AL
Parcels and Packaging Store in Jefferson County Alabama. Family owned and operated. Very busy store that has excellent employees and a great clientele.
Fedex Linehaul - Eight Dedicated Solo Runs - Birmingham, AL
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features eight dedicated solo runs. There are nine employees & management in place. It includes eight trucks at a total...
FedEx Solo Runs for Sale - Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features 13 solo assigned runs. There are 14 employees & management in place. It includes 15 trucks at a total value of...
The UPS Store for Sale in Trussville $588K Income / 1.2 Million Sales
Trussville, AL
This The UPS Store is located in one of the most prestigious and affluent locations in Alabama. This UPScale Suburb of Birmingham has Median Household Incomes of...
FedEx 11 Solo Assigned Runs For Sale - Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features three solo assigned runs. There are 12 employees & management in place. It includes 11 trucks with a total value of...
FedEx Linehaul Solo Runs For Sale - Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features nine solo assigned runs. There are 10 employees & management in place. It includes nine trucks with a total value of...
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