Utz Chip Route, Hoover, AL
Hoover, AL
Utz Potato Chip, Pretzel Route for sale in the Hoover, Alabama region for $137,000! Company financing available with an estimated $48,000 down. Currently grossing...
Martin's Bread Route, Phenix City, AL
Phenix City, AL
Martin’s Bread Route for sale in the Phenix City, Auburn, Alabama area and LaGrange, Georgia area for $165,000. Seller financing available with $90,000 down....
Flowers Bread Route, Huntsville, AL
Mooresville, AL
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Huntsville, Alabama region for $115,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $51,000 down. In...
Mission's Tortilla Route, Montgomery, AL
Montgomery, AL
Mission’s Tortilla Route for sale in the Montgomery, Alabama region for $125,000! Currently generating $485,308 in yearly sales and nets $91,427! Distributorship...
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