Pigtails & Crewcuts - established and ready for you!
Birmingham, AL
What we do: - Haircuts. We specialize in haircuts for kids however, we also perform haircuts for the whole family! - Ear piercing. We use a sterile,...
Pigtails & Crewcuts - established and ready for you!
Birmingham, AL
What we do: - Haircuts. We specialize in haircuts for kids however, we also perform haircuts for the whole family! - Ear piercing. We use a sterile,...
Established & Profitable Beauty Studio
Tuscaloosa, AL
This is an established business with Recurring Revenue, strong community ties, and...
Children's Hair Salon business for sale (Multiple locations)
Birmingham, AL
NEW PRICE! What they offer: - Haircuts. They specialize in haircuts for kids however,...
Biggest Beauty Supply in Town/High Traffic/Price Include Inventory
Gadsden, AL
6,700sqf Single Building with A Large Selection of Merchandise Available in Full. The...
[Price reduced] Highly Profitable Beauty Supply at Birmingham AL
Birmingham, AL
This well established store has good customers and is operated by owner and 3 employees....
Niche Cosmetology School for Sale in AL
Jefferson County, AL
LISTING ID # 34877 This niche industry business has just been listed on the market....
Face, Skin & Wig Salon
Montgomery County, AL
Customers looking for a total hair and skin transformation know this is the place to go....
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