FedEx Linehaul - Four Assigned Solo Runs For Sale - Birmingham, AL
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features four assigned solo runs. There are five employees & management in place. It includes four trucks at a total value...
Fedex Linehaul - Eight Dedicated Solo Runs - Birmingham, AL
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features eight dedicated solo runs. There are nine employees & management in place. It includes eight trucks at a total...
FedEx Solo Runs for Sale - Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features 13 solo assigned runs. There are 14 employees & management in place. It includes 15 trucks at a total value of...
FedEx 11 Solo Assigned Runs For Sale - Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features three solo assigned runs. There are 12 employees & management in place. It includes 11 trucks with a total value of...
FedEx Linehaul Solo Runs For Sale - Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, AL
This well established FedEx linehaul features nine solo assigned runs. There are 10...
SBA Prequalified - Profitable Specialized Transportation Business
Mobile, AL
Well established specialized Freight Delivery Business with over 30 years in industry....
Transportation Business For Sale
Mobile County, AL
Profitable Transportation business with long-term contracts in place. This Trucking...
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