Healthy Snack Vending, Home-Based
Birmingham, AL
This vending machine business specializes in healthy snacks and beverages. Strategically located in high-traffic areas such as gyms, hospitals, schools, and...
Flooring Business For Sale!
Shelby County, AL
Great Opportunity and New Price for a new owner to take this business to the next level. This business was established in April 2015. They sell and install...
Franchise Packing & Shipping Store, 20 years of Business Relationships
Shelby County, AL
This franchise center has been in the market for decades. If you are looking to be an...
Great Local Clothing Boutique, with $44K Inventory Included
Shelby County, AL
This great local boutique is located in the best shopping district in North Shelby...
High Margins Health & Wellness Vending, Semi-Absentee
Birmingham, AL
This healthy vending business taps into the booming demand for on-the-go snacks. Benefit...
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