Boutique Restaurant with great numbers; includes Real Estate!
This restaurant provides $400k in Annual SDE generated from $2.6M in sales. This opportunity comes complete with real estate valued at over $1.4M as well as ample...
Exceptional Opportunity: Extremely Profitable Alaskan Restaurant
Boasting over $1,000,000.00 in SDE serving breakfast and lunch, this restaurant is a phenomenal opportunity. Owner is willing to stay on for extended period to...
Established Restaurant in Alaska is for Sale!
Fairbanks, AK
Once in a lifetime opportunity to be the next proud owner of this LEGENDARY bar and...
Exciting Business Opportunity: Own a Thriving Hot Dog Franchise
Step into a profitable venture with a proven concept and a loyal customer base. This...
Jen's Restaurant & Wine Bar/New Price.
Anchorage County, AK
Established in 1988, this prestigious fine dining restaurant, boasting a luxurious wine...
Ocean Front Restaurant on the World Famous Homer Spit!
Homer, AK
Welcome to Captain Patties Fish House, a world-renowned restaurant nestled in the...
Kriner's Diner: Beloved Local Eatery for Sale
Anchorage County, AK
Seize the opportunity to acquire Kriner’s Diner, a thriving local restaurant with a...
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