Custom Manufacturer w/Great Numbers
Custom Manufacturer with solid sales and growth capability.
Fairbanks Truss Company
Fairbanks, AK
Established truss manufacturing business with a proven 32 year track record and...
Established Manufacturing and Logistics Company w/ Strong Revenue
A highly profitable and well-established manufacturing and logistics company based in...
Cash Flow: $1,868,353
Italian Deli Cafe'
Anchorage, AK
Originale is a small family owned and operated Italian deli specializing in authentic...
Northern Threads Quilting & Fabric Shop
Fairbanks, AK
Northern Threads Fabric Store is a long-established Fabric and Quilt Shop in Fairbanks...
B2B Manufacturing and Installation Co. $3M Rev. $891K NOI
Established manufacturing and installation company serving businesses for over 30 years....
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