Profitable Print, Promo & Marketing Business
This established business offers an excellent opportunity for families, partnerships, or sole proprietors. Specializing in print, marketing, and design solutions,...
After 20 Years of Successful Operation, Fibrenew Edmonton is for sale
Edmonton, AB
With Fibrenew's two decades in the area, a great reputation, and a healthy amount of repeat clients, this is a prime opportunity for anyone looking for a new...
Oilfield Repair & Fire-Safety Supplies, Propane Sales, Welding Gases,
BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS This outstanding acquisition opportunity is for a Company that...
Cash Flow: $430,000
Business to Business Consulting Firm in Calgary
This professional cost reduction consulting firm reviews client’s business expenses....
(State of the Art Male Health) - Health Clinic - Calgary
Calgary, AB
**All dollar amounts are US dollars. Our clinic enjoys reoccurring revenues from...
Home Staging & Interior Design Business in Calgary
Calgary, AB
Explore Your Entrepreneurial Dreams with a Thriving Home Staging Business! Are you...
Architecture Firm in Calgary with 30% VTB
Calgary, AB
The firm specializes in senior care facilities and commercial mixed-use properties,...
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