Thriving Pizza Franchise for Sale in Casa Grande? Only $139,000
Casa Grande, AZ
Ready to own a profitable pizza franchise for sale in the rapidly growing city of Casa Grande? This turn-key restaurant opportunity is now available for only...
Casa Grande Restaurant/Bar with Land and Building
Casa Grande, AZ
Same owner going strong after 37 years! Free Standing building right off 1-10 with strong street visibility, great proximity to truck stops, motels and lots of...
Estate Sale Company - Successful, Well Established Business
Casa Grande, AZ
This is a unique opportunity for someone interested in being an Owner/Operator to buy a...
car washed 2 loc's $3.65M one mile apart Net $550K +
Casa Grande, AZ
Car washes, same owner 1 mile apart w land one auto, 8 SS bays, 14 vacs. Absentee owner....
Roofing Sales & Installation
Casa Grande, AZ
This profitable roofing sales and installation company is a turnkey opportunity. Having...
LOOK! Daycare and Preschool w/Land & building #10949
Casa Grande, AZ
Excellent Childcare licensed for 41 children. This is a great opportunity for you to own...
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