REDUCED 35K Down Absentee! Convenience Store in Glendale, AZ #11024
Glendale, AZ
This store has it all, food, ice cream, and cigarettes and it is a water & ice store too! They are well-staffed with long-time employees who run the store...
Dessert Franchise Kiosk! Priced To Sell Fast! Serious Buyers Only!
Glendale, AZ
Your chance to be in business in one of the most sought after dessert franchise kiosks nationwide. Owner wants out. Huge potential for growth. Priced way below...
Franchise Chicken and Wings Restaurant #3163
Glendale, AZ
Well established chicken and wings franchise located in Glendale, AZ. Looking for a...
LOOK! LOW RENT! Easy to run only a few very popular items #10851
Glendale, AZ
This location is fabulous it is in a busy strip mall which brings in many customers....
REDUCED PRICE! Greek fast food restaurant in fantastic location #10936
Glendale, AZ
This restaurant is located in a very busy strip mall with all the foot traffic and...
See more results when you broaden your search from Glendale to Maricopa County.
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