$108,000 NET Home Decor Retail Store in the Mall!!!
Mesa, AZ
If you are looking for a turn-key ready to go retail store that specializes in the Home...
Pastry manufacturing bakery with 2 well known bagel shops #10973
Mesa, AZ
This manufacturing facility makes bagels. They have been in business for many years and...
ONE MAN SHOW! Busy Water and Ice shop #10964
Mesa, AZ
This shop is owned and operated by an owner with one part-time employee. It is super...
Classic Neighborhood Bar with a #6 Liquor License
Mesa, AZ
You asked for it, we got it… here is the perfect little #6 restaurant/bar! Located in...
ABSENTEE! Franchise Chinese Restaurant. #10956
Mesa, AZ
International franchise Chinese Restaurant inside a food court. 100% employee-run.
Automotive Machining Company in Arizona
Mesa, AZ
The Company is a locally owned solution for automotive machine and engine work...
AFFORDABLE! Daycare/Preschool in Mesa #10951
Mesa, AZ
This center is licensed for 88 children and can expand with an infant room. People are...
$60,000 NET #10 Drive-Thru Beer and Wine Store In Mesa!!
Mesa, AZ
If you are looking for a very nice convenience store in the East Valley specifically...
RENT IS LOW! Whole-sale seafood and Grill Restaurant #10939
Mesa, AZ
How to make 50% profit on this retail fish store/restaurant! The owner is willing to...
FocalPoint Business Coaching
Available Nationwide
We transform the lives of business owners and executives every day.
OWN A THRIVING Sea food market & restaurant #10901
Mesa, AZ
Calling all buyers to step into this well-established business since 1991, with a loyal...
BUSY! BUSY! Quick service! Mexican food Restaurant #10937
Mesa, AZ
This restaurant rivals all Mexican food franchises, BUT IT IS NOT! The food is 100%...
STOP! RENT CAN'T BE BEAT! Italian Cafe with Pizza & Pasta to die for!
Mesa, AZ
You can't pass up the rent with this beautiful restaurant. This location has been a...
Check it out Vietnamese Fusion! Restaurant With #12 Liquor #10913
Mesa, AZ
Same owners for 17 years and they are moving out of the USA. Everyone loves the food and...
New fantastic BBQ Restaurant
Mesa, AZ
This restaurant has an absentee owner and is a big hit in Arizona and sales are growing...
Beverage Route & Distribution Company w/ Exclusive Rights in Arizona!!
Mesa, AZ
Look no further if you are looking for a well-established and successful route and...
Commercial Brokerage - Established - Profitable - Home Based
Mesa, AZ
Commercial Brokerage Business For Sale. Consistent Profitability and Sales Revenues for...
Beer & Wine Bar Available - Conversion only
Mesa, AZ
An East Valley Tap Room with a Series 7 (beer and wine) liquor license is now available....
Previous Pizza Shop with Years Left on the Lease and Years to Extend
Mesa, AZ
This business is currently run as a Taco Shop with Pizza equipment that will remain in...
House Doctors
Available in Arizona
Build something you can be proud of. House Doctors is the leading home improvement...
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