Thriving Custom Cabinet Design and Remodeling Business
Pima County, AZ
Excellent opportunity to own an upscale, custom-build company specializing in the design and installation of cabinets and a full range of remodeling services for...
Highly Successful Commercial and Residential Electrical Contractor
Tucson, AZ
Opened in 2007, this busy, well regarded residential and commercial electrical service company continues to be a boon to its customers. Business has a healthy...
Established Niche Home-Improvement Business. Only $275,000!
Tucson, AZ
Established Niche Home-Improvement Business Specializing in Remodel and Organization...
Extremely Profitable Painting Company
Pima County, AZ
This profitable painting business has been serving Southern Arizona for decades -...
Established Electric Company & Solar with QP
Tucson, AZ
Established in June 2018. Small electrical contractor with Qualifying Party. Owner is...
Professional Landscape Maintenance and Design and Build Company
Tucson, AZ
Busy and established residential Landscape maintenance and installation and design...
Reduced Price - Garage Coating Company in NW Tucson
Tucson, AZ
Preferred vendor for several affluent neighborhoods in NW Tucson with potential for...
Successful Service and Repair Plumbing Business.
Tucson, AZ
Successful Plumbing Business for Over 50 Years Specializing in Service and Repair Work. ...
Commercial Hardware and Fabrication
Tucson, AZ
This commercial hardware and steel fabrication business has a long history of success....
Kitchen Tune-Up
Available Nationwide
Kitchen Tune-Up® is a low-cost investment offering consumers five different ways to...
Unique, Profitable and Recognized Business - Home Improvement
Tucson, AZ
We design, sell, manufacture, and install closets, pantries, garages, mudrooms, and...
Nationally Recognized Electrical Repair Company
Tucson, AZ
For Sale- This well-established, well branded electrical installation and repair...
Profitable Flooring Store - Established for Over 20 Years
Tucson, AZ
Established for over 20 Years, this flooring business has built a legacy based on...
Water Harvesting Company in Southern Arizona. PRICE DROP!
Tucson, AZ
This company sells, delivers and installs water tanks of all sizes for water harvesting...
Successful Roofing Contractor
Tucson, AZ
This Successful Roofing Contractor has been a leader in residential roof repair and new...
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