Gas station for lease or sale in Franklin County, Arkansas
Franklin County, AR
Gas station has been established for 14 years. Owner is retiring. Store currently has hunt brothers pizza but there is room to install a hood and put in a deli....
gas station with restaurants for sale in Arkansas
Jonesboro, AR
asking price $350K Rent $13750 NNN. Inside sales $150K a month including Restaurant $60K, Fuel 35K gallon with .35 cent margin. Only serious inquiry. You must...
Charming convenience store and gas station
Washington County, AR
A charming Northwest Arkansas convenience store. Great location includes dine-in...
Dry Gas Station for sale (TURNKEY BUSINESS)
Carroll County, AR
Inside Sale: $50,000 @40% Gas: 50,000 @15c Miscellaneous: $25k-25k split vendor U-Haul...
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