After School, Franchise , Fremont, California
Fremont, CA
A complete turnkey, well-established After-School educational services center has been constructed, adorned, and supported by passionate, excellent instructors who...
Preschool Business For Sale Albany, CA
Albany, CA
Known for its welcoming community, Offers a blend of urban convenience and suburban charm. The city is home to top-rated schools, diverse dining options, and...
Preschool Business Newark, CA
Newark, CA
Home based day care for sale in Newark, CA. The area is known for its friendly community...
Preschool Business San Leandro, CA
San Leandro, CA
Explore an exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-established and thriving preschool...
Preschool business for sale in Berkley, CA
Berkeley, CA
Nestled within the desirable Berkeley area, this impressive preschool is an ideal...
Cash Flow: $400,000
Preschool Business For Sale Alameda, CA
Alameda, CA
Situated in the Mariner Square area, known for its waterfront properties and marina...
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