Liquor Store with very high Lottery Income, San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo, CA
Description: This Liquor Store is in a busy retail strip center on the frequently...
High-end Vacuum Cleaner Sales and Repair
Alameda County, CA
Looking for a great little business? This is a very boutique, high-end vacuum cleaner...
Liquor Store in San Leandro for SALE
San Leandro, CA
This liquor store is located in San Leandro with rent at $3,500 with a lease of 10 years...
Grocery Store with Beer Wine Lic., Very high Lottery Comm. (Hayward)
Hayward, CA
Description: This convenience store is located in an unincorporated community in Alameda...
Unique opportunity to own a gas Station
Alameda County, CA
Established Franchised gas station with beer and wine and convenience store. Asking...
Liquor & Conv. Store - Pleasanton
Pleasanton, CA
Description: This Liquor Store is a local gem. Originally established in 1986, this...
Golf Equipment and Indoor Golf Simulation and Event Facility
Dublin, CA
Check the Website: Started in early 2024, Par 5 Golfing is an awesome...
Established Indian Grocery Store
Alameda County, CA
If you always wanted to be your own boss and to own a great Grocery Market this may be...
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