For Sale Well Established Adult Day Care Center and Banquet Hall !
Los Angeles County, CA
For Sale Well Established Adult Day Care Center (ADHC) and Banquet Hall businesses located in the San Fernando Valley Area, Los Angeles County. Both business...
Own Your Dream Restaurant Today!
Winnetka, CA
Looking to step into the restaurant business? This is your chance to own a charming establishment that seats up to 100 guests and boasts a spacious dance...
Orange County Event Space / Wedding Venue
Orange County, CA
Located in the perfect Orange County area close to multiple freeways making it easily...
Solano County, CA
BUSINESS OPERATIONS The current owners have been operating this well-established...
Banquet Hall and Restaurant, Ample Parking.
Orange County, CA
Thriving Business in Savi Ranch. Close to 91 freeway. Adjacent to many Anchor Tenants...
Want to own a business with high profit and a luxurious environment?
San Jose, CA
Want to own a business with high profit and a luxurious environment? For $49,888...
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