Turnkey Specialty Retail & Salon - Asking Wholesale Value of Retail
PRICE DECREASE: Due to urgentcy, price decrease from 180K to 149K. This is $30K below inventory wholesale value. Retail value is $360,000 alone plus...
Motivated Seller: Unbranded Gas Station for sale (No Fuel Contract)
Seller financing is available with an $800,000 downpayment. Unbranded gas station + C-store located on a 0.3 acre corner lot. *This station does NOT...
Gas Station with real estate
Oroville, CA
Business & Real Estate Multiple income streams: * Gas & Diesel * Large C-Store * Type 20 ABC license * Billboard Ground Lease * Pacific Pride Ground Lease *...
Iconic Adult Store
Butte County, CA
This has proven to be a recession resistant industry for decades. In good times and bad people will seek entertainment and the adult industry has a special place...
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