Prosperous Well Established Restaurant for Sale
Great Opportunity to own a well established prosperous popular restaurant. Owners are retiring. Full service restaurant with bar, banquet room and...
Mayweather Boxing + Fitness Gym! Price Reduction! Ready to sell!
Great location for a 2,100 SQFT boxing gym. Fully staffed, class schedules with certified instructors, weekly fitness classes. This is the premier...
Location Location Location
Clovis, CA
Located in the most desirable area in Fresno County, established for over 40 years Area...
Nail Spa & Salon
Clovis, CA
Salon has 5 pedicure chairs, 6 manicure stations, 1 private room, and two hair stylist...
Fully Equipped Restaurant
Clovis, CA
Location! Location! Location! This restaurant space includes a fully equipped,...
See more results when you broaden your search from Clovis to Fresno County.
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