Liquor Store, Near I-680/SR-4 Interchange, Absentee Owner
Contra Costa County, CA
MS Real Estate is thrilled to announce a profitable Liquor & Cigarette store now available in one of the affluent areas of Contra Costa County, California,...
Lemonnade Dispensary Receivership (Antioch, CA)
Antioch, CA
Lemonnade Dispensary For Sale Through Receivership (Antioch, California) #1462 This is being sold by way of court ordered receivership and is subject to court...
Cannabis Dispensary Retail Sale Through Receivership (Richmond, CA)
Richmond, CA
Premier Cannabis Dispensary Retail w/ Prime Location For Sale Through Receivership...
Cannabis Delivery, Manufacturing & Distribution (Concord, CA) #1350
Concord, CA
If you are looking to secure a Micro Business license in the Contra Costa County market...
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