Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Gonzales, CA. Showing instead
Hair & nail bar salon
Salinas, CA
The salon is working and has some rented stations, it has 2 areas, one for nail and pedicure services and another for hair services, the salon is around 1900...
Nail & Pedicure Salon for Sale - Monterey
Monterey, CA
This Nail & pedicure salon has been at its present Monterey location 9 years. Owner had a previous local salon for a total 27 years of business operation. She is...
Hair Salon with 8 Individual Stations in Monterey
Monterey, CA
Hair salon, long-established since 2005, is for sale In Monterey. There are 8 salon...
Established Turnkey Tanning Salons-Two Locations
Monterey County, CA
Two non-franchised tanning salons located in one of Monterey county's most popular...
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