Cannabis Outdoor Cultivation with RE For Sale (Humboldt, CA) #1468
Eureka, CA
This business includes a 24,000 Sq Ft outdoor cultivation area with 17,760 Sq Ft of greenhouses for light deprivation, allowing for multiple harvests per year....
Cannabis Business For Sale (Humboldt County, CA) #1236
Eureka, CA
This is being sold by way of court ordered receivership and is subject to court confirmation Great opportunity...
Cannabis Dispensary & Distribution (Humboldt, CA) #1472
Eureka, CA
A unique opportunity awaits in McKinleyville, California, with the availability of a...
Cannabis Nursery Cultivation For Sale (Humboldt County, CA) #1470
Eureka, CA
This business includes an 11,000 square foot greenhouse in McKinleyville, California,...
Cannabis (Talking Trees) Brand For Sale (Humboldt County, CA) #1469
Eureka, CA
Talking Trees was founded in 2013 during the period when cannabis was available only for...
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