Stand Alone Building on PCH 1 block to ocean
Huntington Beach, CA
Stand alone building on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) one block from the ocean in Huntington Beach , very near Seal Beach . Tourists and locals frequent this...
Mediterranean with 12' Hood on very busy Blvd in Huntington Beach
Huntington Beach, CA
Mediterranean Restaurant with 12' Hood on the busiest boulevard in Huntington Beach. 1200 Sqft inside space with some outside seating too . Rent only $ 3060 plus...
Huntington Beach Main st $$$MAKER 33yrs in Business Res/Bar/Ent T47
Huntington Beach, CA
Once in a life time opportunity 33 yrs in Business on a very busy street Huntington Beach CA With Entertainment /res/bar/type 47 licence $$$ maker Can...
Pho HP Vietnamese Kitchen
Huntington Beach, CA
The restaurant locates on a busy street and near 5-point Shopping Center, Beach and Main Street with great street visibility. Currently, it is operating as a...
Bomburger: Downtown Huntington Beach
Huntington Beach, CA
Business Opportunity: For anyone looking to dive into the bustling food scene in...
Mexican Restaurant for Sale in Huntington Beach
Huntington Beach, CA
Great restaurant in a good location, this restaurant can be change to other type of...
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