Patented Universal Tumor-Targeting Drug Delivery Platform Co.
Irvine, CA
This pharmaceutical company has developed and patented a universal tumor-targeting drug-delivery platform that can improve the safety and efficacy of many existing...
Biotech Co. Patents & Medical Device 5% Market Share = $90MM Revenue
Irvine, CA
The Company has proprietary technology that addresses a leading cause of maternal death (76,000) and fetal death (500,000) annually worldwide. 8% of pregnancies...
Co-Working Spaces
Irvine, CA
A simple business. Take over a thriving co-working facility & business accelerator...
24 Year Old Established Auto Repair in Irvine - Absentee Ownership
Irvine, CA
Absentee owned auto repair business located in a prime location near the 5/405 split in...
Good Reputation Lab with Large Customer Database, Equipped for PCR/Gen
Irvine, CA
High complexity CLIA with certificate of Compliance, in good standing, with Medical...
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