Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Kneeland, CA. Showing instead
Profitable, Absentee-Owner Futuristic Packaging Equipment Manufacturer
Eureka, CA
This is a turn-key business, that is currently owned by an absentee owner. The business manufactures and sells cone and tube filling machines, and operates out of...
Cannabis Outdoor Cultivation with RE For Sale (Humboldt, CA) #1468
Eureka, CA
This business includes a 24,000 Sq Ft outdoor cultivation area with 17,760 Sq Ft of greenhouses for light deprivation, allowing for multiple harvests per year....
Cannabis Nursery Cultivation For Sale (Humboldt County, CA) #1470
Eureka, CA
This business includes an 11,000 square foot greenhouse in McKinleyville, California,...
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