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Anaheim, CA
We've had over 550 inquiries and are working with cash offers only at this time. No more inquiries at this time. This Anaheim coin laundromat offers solid and...
Amazing OC Location On Main Street of Old Town.
Placentia, CA
Newly renovated coin laundry on main street of old town has been a staple in the neighborhood for over 23 years. Prime location with ample parking. All the...
Long Established Laundromat in Orange County
Westminster, CA
Here is an opportunity of a long time established laundromat in Orange County. Store is...
Coin Laundromat in Orange County with Growth Potential
Cypress, CA
This coin laundromat in Cypress, CA is ideal for a buyer who wants a cash-flow positive...
Well established Santa Ana location
Santa Ana, CA
Busy Santa Ana beauty. Prime location with plenty of parking in well-maintained center....
Dry Cleaner in Orange County
Garden Grove, CA
Priced to sell quick. Are you the one looking for something to break away the 9 to 5...
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