SBA Pre-qualified! Extremely Profitable Japanese fusion Restaurant!
Long Beach, CA
"Please inquire about this listing through the contact form. Upon request, a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will be promptly emailed to you." #1007 Area: Long...
Turnkey restaurant for sale with a beer & wine license in Long Beach
Long Beach, CA
"Please inquire about this listing through the contact form. Upon request, a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will...
Market Sushi
Long Beach, CA
**Discover a Turn-Key Sushi Business That Generates Stable Income With Minimal Effort!**...
Poke Sushi Beer and Wine $3500 all-in rent
Long Beach, CA
Practically new Poke restaurant (new build alone would cost $400k), very professional...
Prime Restaurant Opportunity in Bixby Hill, Long Beach!
Long Beach, CA
** Size: 1,440 SF Rent: Approximately $7,960 rent per month including $1,800 NNN ** ...
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