Rare: Profitable Construction Company for Sale, Newport Beach, CA
Orange County, CA
Rare: Top Rated & Steadily Profitable Construction Company for Sale in Newport Beach, California Coastal Orange County: Seize your future with this rare...
Licensed Land Surveying and Mapping - 40 Years in LA County, CA
Woodland Hills, CA
With thousands of customer contacts and highly organized digital survey records for its previous six years, this company is well suited as a bolt-on to scale an...
Profitable General Engineering Company
San Bernardino County, CA
Specializing in underground utilities, demolition & grading, this engineering business...
Stellar 20-Year Engineering Firm for Sale in Los Angeles South Bay
Los Angeles, CA
Established for two decades, this Civil/Structural and Mechanical Engineering firm has...
Interior Architectural Design Firm Hospitality resort Luxury Homes
Irvine, CA
TurnKey and Ready to merge with a larger architectural firm. This is an extraordinary...
Highly Profitable Construction Engineering Consulting Firm
Los Angeles County, CA
Well-established California-based construction engineering consulting firm. The sale...
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