Palm Springs' favorite retreat for floating, massage, facials,
Palm Desert, CA
It's a great business for locals and tourists. We have three rooms for floatation therapy, an infrared therapy sauna that fits up to four people, and five rooms...
Reinvigorate & Grow: Massage Franchise in a Thriving Market
Thousand Oaks, CA
This established massage franchise in Westlake Village offers a prime opportunity for someone ready to step into a business with a solid foundation and significant...
Professional Massage Shop in Stater Brothers Center over 10 years. .
San Bernardino County, CA
PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE SHOP. high profitable business. Near National Park tourism area....
Massage place for sale
Santa Monica, CA
Franchise massage place for sale ,it was established 18 years ago ,1300 Sq Ft Spa offers...
Consistently Profitable Los Angeles County Day Spa
Los Angeles County, CA
This Business has maintained consistent profitability over the past 16 years serving one...
Niche Beauty Business with Online Revenue Stream
Orange County, CA
This dynamic and profitable business has shown consistent cash flow by adapting to an...
High Margin Sports Therapy
San Bernardino County, CA
Successful, highly-rated massage and sports therapy studio. Established recurring client...
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