Card Laundromat for Sale in East LA (off 5 & 10 Freeway)
Los Angeles, CA
* Reason for selling: It is under partnership, and both partners do not have time to manage a laundromat. Both partners have a primary job, other businesses and...
Laundromat ( Coin Laundry in L.A.
Los Angeles, CA
The laundromat ( coin laundry) business is a good part-time business for people from all walks of life for supplemental income and you'll receive residual income...
Los Angeles Laundromat and Wash and Fold Service For Sale
Los Angeles, CA
This sale includes the laundromat business as well as an established in-store wash and...
High Volume Laundromat with Robust Delivery Business
Los Angeles, CA
This laundromat, located in the Atwater Village neighborhood of Los Angeles, features...
Coin Laundromat in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
This coin laundry in the Florence-Graham neighborhood of Los Angeles is a great example...
Newly Remodeled and Equipped Coin Laundromat
Los Angeles, CA
Are you looking for a store that is completely remodeled and equipped with new...
Coin Laundry-Newly Built Los Angeles, 2 Years Old
Los Angeles, CA
This is a newly built coin laundromat that is just two year old in September. This is a...
Absentee Run Coin Laundry in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
This coin laundromat is available at a super, safe LA location. There is ample parking &...
Asset Sale Laundromat South Los Angeles Seeks Experienced Operator
Los Angeles, CA
Asset sale opportunity near downtown LA located on an intersection with over 2,600 sqft....
Canopy Lawn Care
Available Nationwide
Canopy Lawn Care is the home service franchise brand modernizing the lawn care industry...
Asset Sale Laundromat South Los Angeles Seeks Experienced Operator
Los Angeles, CA
Asset sale opportunity near downtown LA located on an intersection with over 2,600 sqft....
Good things come in small packages near Lincoln Heights
Los Angeles, CA
Newer machines, beautiful interior, fantastic value in great Los Angeles location
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