Liquor Store In Reseda
Los Angeles, CA
This well-established liquor store in the heart of Reseda offers an exceptional business opportunity. Featuring a prime location with steady foot traffic, the...
Profitable Small Organic store for sale *All Inventory Included*
Los Angeles, CA
Please Read Full description before contacting. All the information needed is here. This is a profitable Organic Grocery Store. Very High Margin as there is no...
Liquor Store in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
This is a perfect location for the liquor store with lots of loyal customers and this...
Grocery Store-Full line of beer/wine/liquor- Deli & Bakery.
Los Angeles, CA
Full-service conventional grocery store with Full Liquor, Beer & Wine selection. Great...
Type 21 Liquor License for sale-Los Angeles County
Los Angeles, CA
Type 21 Liquor License in Los Angeles County. Perfect for an existing beer & Wine...
Liquor Store - 12 Years in Business - Retiring - Koreatown, Los Angles
Los Angeles, CA
Listing # - 5464 JH This well-established liquor store is ideally situated in the...
Liquor Store
Los Angeles, CA
Located in Koreatown! Monthly Sales: $75,000 Rent: $9200 SF: 4000 Store has very short...
LA K-Town High Volume Liquor store(JUST LOWER THE PRICE)
Los Angeles, CA
K-Town Liquor New lease 5 years option 5 years
Beer and Wine Market in East Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Here lies a beer and wine market with an active type 20 beer and wine sales license and...
Metal Supermarkets
Available in California
$2,247,827 Average Gross Sales Per Store. Sales & Distribution of Metal.
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